FEMME FRIDAY // Allison Oswold

Allison Oswold came into my life through multiple different outlets from the beginning. She was first recommended to me by my doula Erica Chiddi to help me with posture, pelvis, and structural issues during pregnancy. I then met her at an event, followed by founding out she was a friend of a good friend - all the dots immediately connected.
Since then I have had the pleasure of working with Allison and getting to know her better through her work. Her primary focus is helping women heal any number of issues through connection to the pelvic floor. As subtle as this may sound the results she produces are profound. I visited her only twice to help me with my back postpartum, and have essentially been cured from my back ailments. Carry on!
She works with clients from her studio Plumbline Pilates and Physical Therapy in Santa Monica.
A mother, healer, and all around super lovely person I can't say enough good about what she is up to! And of course, if you live in Los Angeles make sure to book a session!
Your 3 Word Bio.
Mother. Educator. Women's Health PT. (Compassionate, Authentic)
One thing the internet doesn't know about you?
I'm a sucker for a Justin Timberlake concert!
The can't live without it daily ritual that keeps you inspried?
The 5-10 minutes I take every morning to myself, usually I spend it practicing my breathing on my meditation pillow. But even if it's opening the windows for fresh air and brewing a cup of coffee, I need those moments to myself (before my husband and kids wake up) to have the most balanced and grounded day.
What is in your desert island cosmetic bag, and how do you use it?
No joke, ever since I started using Nucifera I can't get enough of it...post dry brush and shower it's the absolute best! So I would bring that along, as it's a multi use product- for lips, cleanser, hair conditioner, body moisturizer, natural spf PLUS it smells so good! I would also need my rose oil for my face. And a hat....I know it's not technically a cosmetic product but it should be considered one!
And since we are on an island.... what's your favorite way to use coconut?
A fresh coconut milk latte is just too good to pass up! I also love coconuts natural SPF properties, so I guess I have two favs.
What impression do you want to leave?
That when you do the work and take care good of yourself, you can achieve true health, wellness and balance. This in turn lets you take better care of those around, including your family. Self care and authenticity with a positive attitude is so important and how I choose to live my life.