FEMME FRIDAY // Abby Hantel

To say it in one word, Abby is stunning. Tall, exotic, and literally GLOWING on all levels you most definitely look at her and want to know what she's doing to get that glow. I was happy to find out from this interview that she is in fact - skin obsessed - which made me so happy to hear (and maybe a little relieved that it wasn't entirely by accident)!
I first met Abby at a breathwork circle hosted by our friend Erica Chiddi. Even though I haven't known her for very long, that experience allowed for a certain intensity and level of intimacy that you don't usually have with someone you just met.
Abby works as a doula, holistic nutritionist, lactation educator, women's wellness expert, and is now in the process of becoming a mother herself. I am just so thrilled for her and her new journey!
See what she has to say below, and do yourself a favor and follow the MO of her cosmetic bag - she literally has the best skin ever....
Thank you Abby!
One thing the internet doesn't know about you?
In my work as a birth doula I've cried when each baby was born. There's something so pure and so powerful about that moment that I just can't help but get overcome with emotion every time!
The can't live without it daily ritual that keeps you inspired?
Moisturizing, I'm a twice a day freak about it. I can't start or end my day without it and it's a nice way for me to make sure that I bookend my day with self care. I'm actually such a moisturizing freak that I used to keep a little bottle of olive oil in my purse for mid day dry skin brought on by LA life and I've definitely ruined several purses as a result so the travel sized Nucifera has been a lifesaver!
What is in your desert island cosmetic bag, and how do you use it?
First and foremost would be a strong SPF, safety first people. And then as per my last answer it would be a lot of oils, serums, and balms to keep my skin from drying out. If I had to pick favorites it would be hyaluronic acid, vitamin C serum, argan oil, squalane, carrot seed oil, and Nucifera balm. I would start my day with a dab of vitamin C serum and squalane followed by my strong SPF. I would end my day with a mix of vitamin c and hyaluronic acid, argan oil and carrot seed oil, and a little bit of Nucifera to lock in all of that moisture. My travel sized Nucifera would also come in handy for jaunts to explore other parts of the island!
And since we are on an island.... what's your favorite way to use coconut?
Topically, I love using it after a shower to trick myself into thinking that I'm always on an island somewhere.
What impression do you want to leave?
Ultimately I just want to empower and inspire women in the same way that I'm constantly inspired and empowered by the amazing women I've gotten to meet in LA.