FEMME FRIDAY // Amber Hourigan Williams

I first met Amber when she featured me in Edition One of her stunning publication Nourished Journal. To say that Amber has a refined eye is an understatement. She has a talent for design, and an appreciation for well crafted goods that goes beyond what is truly understood in todays world of dispensable content.
I'll call it timeless good taste.
A few years ago she relocated for Melbourne to Los Angeles - and after a few long rose fueled lunches we became friends in real life. Amber is funny and has a refreshingly down to earth vibe that I really connect with. I'm really happy we met.
Since then we have both embarked on the journey of motherhood, and have joined efforts as co-editors of Nourished - an opportunity for which I am very grateful.
Amber likes to keep private, so I am very honored that she showed up for this interview.
Thank you Amber for all the beautiful, inspirational and aspirational content you put out into the world!
Your 3 Word Bio
Modern day Feminist
One thing the internet doesn’t know about you?
A lot, I am very private. When I was little I wanted to bake and sell pies from my cottage in the country… I’m not so sure that it isn’t still my dream!
The can’t live without it daily ritual that keeps you inspired?
Before I had a baby I had a lot more time for myself, so my daily rituals have changed quite dramatically since my daughter was born. Previously it was a daily bath with lots of beautiful essential oils and various salts. It was some much needed quiet time, I always had my best ideas soaking in the tub. Now it’s the early morning cuddles I have with Ivy, I savor this precious time together. I also love my cup of tea and reading the newspaper (Wall Street Journal and the New York Times) when Ivy goes down for her morning nap.
What is in your desert island cosmetic bag, and how do you use it?
It’s going to need to bring a big cosmetic bag, as I do love me some products! Dr Haushka Cleanser and Rose Day Cream. Heritage Store Rosewater with Glycerin as a toner. Biologique Recherche Lotion P50 W. Japanese organic cotton squares to apply my toner & P50 W. A muslin cloth to remove my cleanser. True Botanicals Topical Marine Treatment & Hydrating Serum. Vintners Daughter Active Botanical Serum. Iris Hantverk body brush for exfoliation and to get the lymphatic system moving. Aesop Geramium Leaf Body Cleanser and Hydrating Treatment. Of course Nuci for use on my body, hands & hair after long swims in the ocean. Phylia de. M Shampoo, Conditioner and Connect Treatment. Mason Pearson brush. Pure essential oils to use as fragrance, such as rose, neroli and jasmine. And I know its not a cosmetic product, but a wide brimmed hat to protect my face from the sun, its better than any sunscreen! I really could go on and on… but since this is a desert island I’ll leave it there!
And since we are on an island…. what's your favorite way to use coconut?
I like to keep it simple (not that you’d know that based on my cosmetic bag!), so I’d say coconut water.
What impression do you want to leave?
Kindness, grace, generosity and some good laughs.