I've admired the work of Chi-San for a while now, but it wasn't until recently that I put a face to the name. A talented creative consultant, Chi-San has her hands in many creative projects - primarily focusing on food, lifestyle and fashion. I became familiar with her through her foodie ventures - the chic almond milk company The Pressery that she co-founded, and her new book A Simple Table that is truly everything I want to eat. A culinary bookshelf MUST. She's London based, and we had every intention of meeting on my recent trip to the city and I'm so sorry we didn't!
Although we've never met in person (yet), I'm inspired by Chi-San's enthusiasm for curating the beautiful and meaningful in life. When we first connected online, she was taking her first weekend solo and it seemed to be filled with delicious food, wine and self dates. All skills I admire and appreciate myself. Sometimes the practice of self care should look a little more indulgent!
We are also mom twins, having both given birth in September 2016. Her precious little girl Marlowe is always eating something amazing and up to all the business that toddlers are.
I feel like we relate on many levels, and am grateful to have made the connection.
Thank you Chi-San!
One thing the internet doesn't know about you?
I used to play badminton and I trained for England when I was at school.
The can't live without it daily ritual that keeps you inspired?
Meditation first thing in the morning.
What is in your desert island cosmetic bag, and how do you use it?
An oil blend I make up which smells divine - I use it in my hair, face and body.
And since we are on an island... what's your favorite way to use coconut?
In oil form, to take off the dirt from the day.
TOP 3 books everyone needs to read while they are there.
For the moment, Lacy Phillips from Free and Native pointed me in the direction of The Awakened Family and it's been an eye-opener, Let My People Go Surfing by Yvon Chouinard of Patagonia, and Healing with Wholefoods by Paul Pitchford (the alternative bible).
What impression do you want to leave?
That I somehow made your life a little better by being present in some shape or form, whether for a fleeting moment or a lifetime.