FEMME FRIDAY // Dani Kenney

Now is most definitely the time to celebrate all things female.

We believe that the real power of a woman comes from her deep seeded security. When a woman feels good in her own skin, and feels confident in her place in the world, she can do all matters of greatness. Her strength is insurmountable.

This core foundational security can only come from within - and we, even the most secure of us - have been conditioned to doubt it. Never quite enough. Never quite skinny enough, pretty enough, accomplished enough. We aren't complaining - it's just fact. No matter how self evolved you are there can always be a twinge of insecurity.

The mission behind Nucifera was to create a product that requires very little effort to make you feel amazing. Simplicity creates space, and space creates an opening for confidence and security. In everything. We teach women that they need to put on a mask to feel and look beautiful. This simply isn't true. It doesn't mean that you should never wear make up or wear that mask for fun, but to feel beautiful when you wake up in your own bare skin is true empowerment that can't be taken away. 

Our launch of FEMME FRIDAY is to celebrate women who are marking their place in the world with intelligence, creativity, entrepreneurial grace, spunk and... security. Who celebrate and empower other women along for the ride. 


This week starts out with my friend and fellow new mom - Dani Kenney. Dani is my very first Instagram stalk turned friend. We first met in person on a 'blind' date in Venice only a few weeks after I moved to Los Angeles. As a fellow Taurean we have oodles in common - including an equal passion for the healthy and hedonistic. And now, we've both had babes only a few months apart. So we text... all the time. Her support has been such a blessing throughout pregnancy and into the early days of being a new mom. 

Born and raised in Los Angeles, Dani has primarily worked as a chef for many private and high end clients. She is now living in Florida with her precious family and is paving her own way as an entrepreneur with a lovely line of pregnancy safe products for mom, baby, and home.

Check out her lovely line of products + enjoy her interview below! 


Your 3 Word Bio?

The Original Angeleno.

One thing the internet doesn't know about you?

I'm shy.

The can't live without it daily ritual that keeps you grounded?

I realized, in trying to answer this, that my consistency lies not in one ritual, but in the rotation of several... a daily dance with one of the five elements: wind, earth, water, fire or metal - or any mixture of those. The more the better. I don't touch all every single day of every single week but most days I need one or more of the following: a brisk walk with the wind touching my face, barefoot in the grass, dirt or sand, soaking in a hot bathtub or playing in the ocean, burning incense, making a fire in our pit in our backyard, and cooking with my cast iron, stainless steel or copper pans. All of those ground me.

What is in your desert island cosmetic bag, and how do you use it?

Cover-up / concealer is the one makeup item I use everyday (not to be confused with foundation, which I never wear). My Cherokee roots gave me hereditary dark circles and as a mom with minimal sleep, I would probably look like a zombie and scare away children without a little under my eyes. I love RMS, because it's all natural and hydrating to the skin.

And since we are on an island.... what's your favorite way to use coconut?

I guess just straight up coconut water is my fav - just grab that coconut, open it and stick a mouth on it. There is something so fresh, healing and sacred about drinking the fresh nectar of a coconut. I'm a girl who likes things simple... decadent, but simple. Besides, if we're on the island, I'll prob have a hard time making ice cream with it... ;)

What impression do you want to leave?

That's an interesting question, because now more than ever, it seems that people are trying to leave a very specific impression... On the world, on social media, in their career. The Native Americans believe that you shouldn't try to leave footprints on the earth, and as humans we have left some very damaging footprints. Sometimes in today's age, I honestly think the most noble thing someone can do is to just live and tread lightly. My husband and I sort of dream (out loud, on a daily basis) about disappearing into the mountains and just living on the land. The more I think about impression, the less I want to leave one. But I suppose, if I'm going to leave an impression online and on social media about this, it is that I want to hang out with all of you who feel the same way. Because I dig life and I love people who jive with this vibe!

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