FEMME FRIDAY // Danielle Beinstein

It doesn't get much more LA than to say, "I first met Dani at a full moon meditation on the beach" but, it's true. The little gathering was hosted by her, and she was nothing like I expected and everything awesome. Count me in on always being a little skeptic and resistant to fully let go, but for whatever reason that day with Danielle I just let it all out. I remember waking up with a headache the next day and simultaneously running into her at Gjusta both getting our coffee fuel on. For me, it was instant connection. Astrologer turned friend. 

What I love about Danielle is that although her profession may seem esoteric, she brings an intelligence to her understanding of astrology that is super authentic and solid. East coast sensibility meets west coast career path. She is absolutely nothing 'woo woo'. The insights that I've had from my readings with her have been life changing. 

If you feel remotely skeptical about astrology - Danielle is where to start. 

And yes, she's really funny, sarcastic, and... grounded. 

I find constant inspiration in her work. 

Your 3 Word Bio.

Contemplative, meditative, astrologer.

One thing the internet doesn't know about you?

My first job in LA was selling olive oil at the farmer’s market. Also, that I can be funny.

The can't live without it daily ritual that keeps you inspired?


What is in your desert island cosmetic bag, and how do you use it? 

Aquaphor for lips, Nucifera (no, really) for my face + skin and an eyelash curler.

And since we are on an island... what's your favorite way to use coconut?

Either as a drink, or on my face + skin.

What impression do you want to leave?

That I’m a lot more messy and complicated than my social media accounts might imply, though I try my best to be as authentic as possible...


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