FEMME FRIDAY // Kristin Dahl

Kristin Dahl and I have known each other via Instagram for quite some time now, but it wasn't until we both lived in west LA that I was fortunate enough to have the chance to connect in person.
Kristin is a truly unique and genuine beauty. I find it remarkable that she has openly paved her own way from a young age. As she admits in our questionnaire- she has relied on her own strength, intuition, and creativity to build a beautiful life and career for herself. This may sound like something that should go with the territory, but it so often doesn't. Kristin is proof that you create your own magic and destiny no matter what happens in life. Her energy is vibrant, peaceful, and calm. I find that she seems to work with the tremendous ease that comes with being passionate about what you do.
Through her holistic health practice, she nourishes and coaches clients primarily through plant-based culinary guidance.
Learn more about her through her personal website. And stay up with her newest venture, The Women's Wellness Collective.
And of course follow her on Instagram @dahlhousenutrition for delicious and creative recipes.
Thank you Kristin!
Your 3 Word Bio.
Fiery, Loving, Sensitive
One thing the internet doesn't know about you?
I’m an empathic, sensitive soul. From a young age, I had a very strong sense of the unexpressed emotions in people around me and saw the world through a radically different lens than my peers. This has made me fragile at times, but it has also created a sensibility in me that I would never want to replace. Because I did not have parental guidance and support, my intuition has led the way my whole life. Every life experience has organically unfolded before me, and my inner knowing has created that sacred path. Though sometimes I cry a river over irrelevant matters or others suffering, my delicate nature is truly a blessing.
The can't live without it daily ritual that keeps you inspired?
Connecting with the love of my life and READING ! I’m a total bookworm. And still old school – I love the feel of the crisp pages between my hands. I’m constantly inspired from poetic proliferations, keeping up on the latest health revelations, and am forever connected to the foundational holistic texts on herbal medicine, Ayurveda, Chinese medicine, and mind body healing. I read about 3-4 books at once and rotate between philosophy, nutrition, self-help, spirituality, and literature. I’m also a huge fan of reading poems or uplifting passages from spiritual texts before bed.
What is in your desert island cosmetic bag, and how do you use it?
NUCI!!! All over! Literally this balm is changing the game for me. Use it on my skin, face, split ends and between the sheets (4 real!). Haven’t tried it for oil pulling yet – but considering! Plus – Suntegrity tinted sunscreen as my fair skin needs extra protection. Lavender oil to soothe my senses, heal any breakouts & keep the bugs at bay (are we in the tropics??) + an eyelash curler for that doe eyed look & maybe a little rms bronzer for extra glow on cheekbones & lids. I mean, only the essentials- right?
And since we are on an island.... what's your favorite way to use coconut?
Gosh, I’m OBSSESED with coconut – I use coconut oil daily for cooking & oil pulling + coconut butter in my smoothies & tonics. I love making young coconut smoothies by simply blending water & meat & I love a good green smoothie, coco-yogurt, shredded coconut in grain free granola & coconut water in the summer, after sweat sessions, & long workouts to replenish. Can you tell I’m a coco-freak?
What impression do you want to leave?
Through my work I want to inspire & motivate individuals to live their best lives. To continuously empower others to take their health into their own hands, become their own best healers, and connect more deeply to their bodies, intuition and spirit.