FEMME FRIDAY // Tara Sowalty

As one half of the lovely duo behind the How You Glow phenomenon - Tara Sowalty @tarasowlaty defines glow. She and her founding partner Jessie DeLowe tapped into the millennial mindset with the perfect site + IG feed @howyouglow to satisfy every craving. They were brilliant in stretching the boundaries of wellness to extend into the realm of travel, fine dining, fashion and all things #glowy. I've found myself referring to their site many times to find our where to go, what to eat, and what to do.
They are truly quite brilliant in their curation.
Tara is stunning, sweet, and aspirational in her aesthetic. Her talent for living a beautiful and authentic life shines through.
With a keen curiosity and refined eye for beauty, Tara makes us want to go do all the things, travel to all the places, and make our lives extra glowy.
Thank you Tara for all the inspiration!
Your 3 Word Bio
Curious. Compassionate. Authentically me.
One thing the internet doesn't know about you?
I eat chocolate every single day :)
The can't live without it daily ritual that keeps you inspired?
My morning routine keeps me grounded, centered, and inspired. It includes a self-care ritual of breathwork, yoga, stretches, and movement at my mat, surrounded by crystals + palo santo, ending with a meditation. This ritual is something that can be as quick as 5 minutes or up to an hour, depending on how much time I have on the day. Staying flexible with my ritual is what works best for me :)
What is in your desert island cosmetic bag, and how do you use it?
NUCIFERA. I am beyond obsessed. It smells divine and keeps me glowy; I use it on my body, nails, and hair. It’s perfect in every way.
And since we are on an island... what's your favorite way to use coconut?
My absolute favorite way to use coconut is in coconut whipped cream. It’s pure magic and the easiest thing to make. Game-changer recipe in my repertoire.
What impression do you want to leave?
I hope to inspire others to seek vibrancy within everyday life. I want to impress upon others to follow their intuition, get in touch with their dreams and desires, and go after them. I want people to feel inspired to connect with themselves, through daily rituals and mindfulness; the pursuit of happiness and growth is truly what drives me daily and I can only hope that even just a little of my journey can inspire others along the way to do the same.