LOVE LANGUAGES // The true meaning of a gift

When I first met my husband, I told him that one of my love languages was gifts - both giving and receiving. I told him this, because I realized that making excuses for not receiving thoughtful gestures was selling out.

I'm not talking about actual presents, or encouraging consumerism, or teaching your children that if they are good, they will get everything they want. I am speaking of simple gestures between friends and loved ones that are not only offerings of love, they are also an opportunity to thoughtfully and mindfully share.

What about that book you were inspired by? Or that thing you stumbled upon you know your friend will love? Or even that skin product that's actually working?! It's not about money, or status, or spending. It's about paying attention to each other and making a connection.

Gifting is an opportunity to spark creativity and connection. 

Sometimes that bond can happen very quickly. Maybe it's someone you don't know that well, but you see something that you feel called to share with them. That opportunity is quite powerful. It can really say "I acknowledge you" in a unique and meaningful way.  

I think at some point many of us are conditioned to believe that wanting gifts is bad. The holidays certainly aren't about receiving - right? They are about giving! (I'd like to argue it's a little bit of both). 

Most of us are not completely without wants, or interests - at least I hope not! Most of us really appreciate a thoughtful gesture. It doesn't have to be anything big, or expensive - but showing up for each other in a way that is thoughtful is important. You don't have to pretend to be the person that doesn't need or want anything. 

I think we've lost our way a little bit when it comes to the meaning of a gift. In our culture, where so much is focused on consumption, the word can start to have a material connotation - and that's too bad. A gift - by definition, is something given willingly to someone without payment. It isn't about frantically shopping sales, or responding to every ad induced impulse that comes your way. It's about checking in with yourself, your friends and family and finding ways to spark joy in each others lives. It's about being thoughtful.

When you shop with small family businesses you extend that gesture in a broader sense (even though you're getting something in return). As a small personal care business, we can tell you that each and every order matters and truly brings a smile to our face - and is not something we take for granted. This isn't marketing, this is the truth. And when you share our products with your friends and family - well, this means the most to us!

With all that has happened this year we need to show up for each other in as many ways as we can - and thoughtful gifts matter! Bring the good cheer to loved ones through small gestures. Make something, decorate, send a thoughtful card, and yes - gift. Whatever you choose, use the season as an opportunity to connect and inspire each other. 

We'd like to wish all of you peace, love and health and thank you from the bottom of our hearts for everything you have truly gifted us since we started.

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